Contact info: For free repair advice and alternatives to sticky valve issues. Order our sticky valve treatmen below, online or by phone. To call me... george; 512 665 3388
A Better Way to End Sticky Engine Valves Problems?
Mega Power Valve Treatment - A top to bottom engine-servicing product is a mechanics way to end sticky valves.
Unlike popular additives like BG's MOA or 44K detergents, engine quick flush solvents, and sticky, slimmy ingredients additives that are burnt away, become powerless by combustions heat affecting valve actions, Mega Power's secret is to end sticky valve engine problems on their micro level.
Withstanding 2000 degree combustion and friction temperatures sinking into the micro-surfaces with its MC+ ingredients allows Mega Power's ingredients to get to your engines micro-surfaces with it resin and carbon removing features releasing their engine-upsetting resins grip - at the heart of your-valve-problems.
By adding Mega Power Additives to the engine oil and fuel, you send their sticky valve cleaning ingredients to the valve head and seat, and valve stem micro surfaces where they free the attached resins grip covering on sticky valves returning smooth engine operation. See picture.
This Mega Power Additive micro-soaking compound's ability to end several different engine problems, covered in other articles on this site, is in its heat-resistent staying power to micro-soak into the metal where detergents, solvents, and gooey additives can't go and are burnt away powerless to help the engine.
There, Mega Power's micro-cleaners release the sticky resins grip on valve-stems and floats them away for filtering out.
This results is your engine return to a smooth, free moving, snappy valve action and the end of their engine causing issues.
What the mechanic suggest as a solution.
Your mechanic will say, "additives are bad for the engine." To some extent that is true - a half truth if his knowledge of our products micro cleaning ability is not known.
He will suggest the 100 year old remedy of doing a "valve job" on your engine. A day long dimantleing of the top of your engine, its 2 day cleaning and machining of the valves, valve liffter and oil pump replacement , and 2 day putting it back together as the solution.
I've done many of them untill I found this less painful, less costly, moreresponsive way to dio so with Mega Power Valve Treatments.
So, you know more about stiicky valves than most mechanics. Which do you trust?
We have been using Mega Power's Engine Valve Treatment since its dicovery in the 80's with it 95 out of 100 success rate.
Happy users.
For the 95, they are pleased to find their best solution with Mega Power Additives.
Disappointed users.
For the disappointed users, they are faced with trying other additives and a $4000 valve repair - many see reduced to $2000 because the rest of the engine is "OK." Perhaps due to Mega Powers removeal of other engine issues - that waht most think, and therefore never ask for a refund.
With Mega Power's micro-penatrative ingredient discovery to clean and free sticky valves of their rough-idle, stalling, valve tapping, and lousy fuel economy issues, I suggest you give Mega Power a try to smooth out your sticky vale and poor engine performance problems, yourself. Save yourself $2000 doing so.
Give it a try. What Have You To Lose Or Gain?
Ending sticky valves and their related vehicle problems is now made easy and less costly with Mega Powers' Valve Treatment.
Its success is due to its chemical formula that seeks out and ends sticky engine valve problems - avoiding their costly repair.
And by your installing the product in these 2 no wrenches needed steps is one more feature for the non-mechanic to use to lower the cost of their car care.
Ordering to give it a try with our refund promise, select the payment choice below.Ordering price is $99 for a limit time. Includes 6 items needed, directions, free tech phone help - not a robot, and a 30 day trial where refunds will be honered.
Click cart button to start the ending of your sticky valves problem. Order one or more treatments to keep your other cars valves and engines running smoothly.
What Mega Power Does to End Sticky Valves.
Mega Power removes carbon, tacky varnish film, sluggish movement, and poor sealing of the combustion area. Cleaning the valves results in smooth engine idle, an end to stalling, to backfire, and those reults gives better fuel economy. Mega Power Additives offer an alternative to their costly repair.
Valves attract carbon and tacky varnish films making for sluggish movement and poor sealing of the combustion area. Sticky operation and insufficient sealing action cause the rough engine idle, stalling, backfire, lousy fuel economy, and the need for repair. However, Mega Power Additives offer an alternative to their costly repair.
Mega Power Valve Treatment Additives offer and alternative to their costly repair.
What six items come with the Mega Power?
Products in the Valve Treatment are:
If you want to use the Mega Powers Slo-Wear Valve Treatment, you can do it yourself without any assistance from a mechanic. Although it is usually sold to mechanics, it does not require any specific repair knowledge or skills to apply.
You can simply follow the instructions and add it to the gas and oil. After driving for a few minutes to a couple of hours, the cleaning process will start, and you can feel and hear it start cleaning your sticky valves.
The cost and directions for using the product are as follows:
- It costs less than $300 for a big rig.
- If a mechanic installs it, it will cost you $200 more.
- If you are comfortable working under the hood, you can do it yourself, and it will cost you approximately $100 for the treatment.
- If you are not confident in doing it alone, you can ask a friend or mechanic for help. The product comes with six items, and you need to add three of them to the gas/diesel fuel and motor oil, twice as shown. That will finalize the end of the sticky valves. Most car makes recommend using this product every two years. To order the product, please follow the instructions provided.
Is it safe to apply the Mega Powers Slo-Wear Valve Treatment by oneself, or should a mechanic do it?
While sold to mechanics, it requires no skill or repair knowledge. Anyone can add it to the gas and oil as directed. Driving then activates the cleaning process. Cleaning and freeing sticky valves take a few minutes to a couple of hours.
Directions and cost.
Under $300 if for a big rig. Under $200 if a mechanic installs it. About $100 if you are handy under the hood. A friend or mechanic may help you if its not your cup of tea.
Mega Powers Sticky Valve Treatment comes with 6 items. Add 3 items to the gas/diesel fuel and motor oil, twice as shown. Them driving and an oil change a week later finalizes the end of their sticky valves reign. Recommended every two years by most car make.
Ordering below price is $99 for a limit time. Includes directions, free tech phone help - not a robot, and a 30 day trial where in a refund will be honered if disatisfied with results. >
The product to end engine sticky valve problems like:
That's How to End Sticky Valves Problems in the Best Way.
Our Goal is your Goal.
We found Mega Power Additives Products end bumper-to-bumper problems like sticky valves.
Click the buy button to order Mega Power to end your engine's sticky valve problem and you will need to look no further for additives to protect every engine part.
How sticky valves cause engine problems - if you don't know.
Sticky valves work like doors, but to let fuel in and combustion spent fuel out of the motor in eye-blnking speeds.
Its good news you are here as I'll cover, and show you How To End the multible area causes of sticky valves that lower engine suction, cause shorten burn times, tapping, and lowers horsepower output and to avoid a costly $4000 and a week in the shop exxpense with this option, However...
What causes sticky valves?
Their dirty condition grows and upsets the smooth motor operation. In fact, did you know...
Dirty conditions in 3 different valve related areas cause your engine operating problems. They need to be removed:
Two ways to end them. One is ours!
Mega Power Additives invented a better solution.
Its Mega Powers Valve Treatment. It provides a complete engine tune up and conditioning as it removes all 3 sticky valve related issues.And for a couple hundred dollars and a half hours install time.
Order it here and have it in your motor to return smoother, quieter, more powerful operation - yourself! Avoid the costier way to end your engine sticky valves and tapping problems. Includes....
Mega Powers Sticky Valve Treatment comes with 6 items. Add 3 items to the gas/diesel fuel and motor oil, twice as shown. Them driving and an oil change a week later finalizes the end of their sticky valves reign. Recommended every two years by car makers.
The product that does so is the Mega Power Slo-Wear Valve Treatment.
While auto repair of the problem is an expensive 3 to 5 day repair shop fix, and a $3000 to $6000 fix by a mechanic, I'll show you a better alternative.
Are you tired of experiencing problems with your engine's sticky valves? Symptoms of this issue include a poorly running engine, shaking motor, sewing machine-like sounds, inability to produce adequate power, tapping sounds that persist, engine backfires, and lousy fuel economy.
Fortunately, the solution is the Mega Power Slo-Wear Valve Treatment! Instead of spending 3 to 5 days and $3000 to $6000 on a costly repair shop or mechanic fix, I can show you an easy shortcut that you can do yourself without taking anything apart. This treatment will result in a smooth, quiet, and powerful running engine and will keep any future troubles away for good.
The directions for using the Mega Power Slo-Wear Valve Treatment are simple, and the cost is reasonable. If you're dealing with a big rig, it will cost you less than $300. If you have a mechanic install it, the cost will be under $200, and if you're comfortable working under the hood, you can do it yourself for around $100. If you're not confident with this kind of work, a friend or mechanic can help you.
The sticky valves fix comes with six items, and you need to add three of them to your gas/diesel fuel and motor oil twice, as instructed. Then, you need to drive the vehicle for a while, and an oil change a week later will finalize the end of the sticky valves reign. It's recommended that you use the Mega Power Slo-Wear Valve Treatment every two years by most car makers. To place an order, simply follow the instructions provided.
at sticky valves clean up shortcut you can do, without taking anything apart. Returns a smooth running, quiet, powerful running result. Keeps it and other troubles away from the engine for good!
Directions and cost.
Under $300 if for a big rig. Under $200 if a mechanic installs it. About $100 if you are handy under the hood. A friend or mechanic may help you if its not your cup of tea.
The product comes with 6 items. Add 3 items to the gas/diesel fuel and motor oil, twice as shown. Them driving and an oil change a week later finalizes the end of their sticky valves reign. Recommended every two years by most car make. Ordering>
This is the service to clean up sticky valves - by driving.
You may NOW realize sticky valves is an expensive to repair problem. There are 3 common solutions. The first being, why put all that money in an older car that's just worth that much?
Introducing Mega Powers High Impack
Engine Valve Treatment
To Order Click Cart Button
Ordering: Full details to Install Mega Power Valve Treatment yourself included. A guaranteed way to have a great running engine soon thereafter.
More on valves.
Valves work in 2000 degree, metal melting, Dirty sticky temperatures and their cooking hot working state require yearly cleaning - to avoid engine damage. Opening and closing 1000's of times a minute, cleaning prevent their costly engine repair problems. Mega Power Valve Treatment Kit provides the required 2 kinds of services valves and engines need pass 100,000 miles.
The Clean Up Cleaning sticky tapping valves.
Ends sticky valve tapping. Carbon Knock. Rough idle. Returns smooth quiet engine operation. The heavy guns. Their 6 items:
The Mega Power Total Engine Treatment.
Looks complex, but is simple to install
Clean Sticky Valves and Entire Motor Oiling system, with engine oil treatment and conditioner to rid the motor of wear harming friction.
Nothing to take a apart. Just add to the gas tank and motor oil as shown.
The Mega Power Engine Valve Treatment is the best way to :
Cleans sticky engine sticky valves as good as the mechanic, but 90% cheaper. Last as long too!
Basically doing what the mechanics does for a clean up of the engine valves. At a fraction of actual repair cost. Ending its problems without repair! And at a great savings!
Car owners are happy to see using this $100 product - with a $300 street value, sold here at mechanics prices, shown above, ends their engine sticky valves problem. The surprise power and performance improvement from removing friction as to the happy results you can give your engine yourself.
Doing so avoids a $4000 actual repair need. and is a powerful reason for trying it.
Order the sticky valve and whole engine cleaning protecting solution. Your best choice. Click the cart button to get started.
The One Bottle Method To Keep "Valve Stems." Clean Usually Added Between Oil Changes:
Mega Power's Engine Tune Up for Sticky Valves. It's one bottle sticky valve stem cleaner.
Order now. Receive 4 items for valve cleaning for both vehicles. Receive 2 engine sludge removers. 2 Engine Tune ups for sticky vales Avoiding a problem in both engines.
4 items just $99 and FREE $19 shipping, too!
Click Cart button to order the one bottle sticky valve cleaner combo.
The 2 Step Ending Sticky Valves Method.
1-) The 2 Step Sticky Valves Ending Method cleans the fuel injectors - the cause of sticky valves. - And..
2-) And its MP combustion carbon remover takes that cause off valves and pistons for their cleaning solution.
3-) And its MP engine valve cleaner and oil change conditioner tops off the process.
The Sticky Valves 2 Step Method with injector cleaning and decarbonizing restores ideal breathing and smooth engine operation.
Is it any wonder this is the number two way to clean more of your engine parts and areas. Cleaning yearly will avoid such problems. Avoid their costly repair expense.
Sent to your door in 3 days with 2 step directions. No skill required to install.
Also : Includes our famous Guarantee. Stops the sticky valve problem or no charge!
AND - our free phone tech line to get more help.
Actual Directions:
Just pour item #One and #Two in the gas tank.
Add item 3 to the motor oil.
Driving ends the problem. Driving returns years of smooth strong operation. Ends tapping, too.
Ordering :
Sticky valve way two Valve cleaning method. Includes 3 items, directions, sent o your door in 3 days. Just $99 total. Click cart button to order.
What the mechanic does to clean sticky valves:
Click the "cart button" below to order this - easy-to-install sticky valve
The sticky valves problem the full treatment the Mega Power Valve Treatment removes.
If you ever came into contact with tar, you know its a messy, gooey, sticky substance. The same tar forms inside on your engine valves.
That's not all it does to harm your engine.
It also slows or blocks oil delivery, and bogs down lubrication, and increases friction.
It amounts to heart attack city in the making for your engine.
Catching it before that happens is critical. You now have these four auto repair options to end your sticky valves sproblem.
Select and install the best one for your engine solution.
Don't wait another minute longer.
We like the 6 item Mega Power Total Engine Treatment. We think you will to!
Order the sticky valve and whole engine cleaning protecting solution as your best choice. Click the cart button to get started.
Have it in a few days ready to install. I guarantee you will be more than pleased with the quick, strong quiet operation return.
This ends the problem for good and returns the new like clean smooth operation that will last for years to come. It realy prrotects the main component of your 2nd most expensive to own things you daily depend on. Order Now. $99. Click cart button to buy.
The sticky valve treatment
Our Promise: Returns A Perfectly Quiet - Stronger Running Engine Afterwards - or NO Charge For Trying. Order the Product that does so. Click cart button to do so.
Learn more about sticky valves and their cleanup care here:
Picture shows your engine's 8 to 24 valves. The 2 "T's" upside down are valves. They work in - 2000 degree temporatures. And the dirtiest part of your motor - and no wonder they have problems. They job is esential - letting fuel into the piston combustion area, and spent exhaust out the exhaust. Working smoothly when clean.
Their problem causing a poor, or noisy tapping, running engine is the buildup of carbon and friction. Mega Power'sValve Treatment cleans up the problem::
Order now to end this problem. Sent to your door in 3 days.
The Install is simple and easy.
Step One to do so: You add 3 of the items as marked to the gas tank and motor's oil. Drive for a week to let the chemistry start the cleaning recovery process.
Step Two a week later: Do an oil change in this way. Add Item 4 - the sludge remover 10 minutes before you change the dirty oil out for new. With sludge removed, add the friction elimantor and slippery anti-wear coating MC+along with the fresh oil. As you drive, your motor will becom quieter and stronger running. Repeat eavry 12,000 miles to keep those problems away.
By mechanic repair - $4000
Mega Power installed by a mechanic - $200
Follow my recipe directions - $100
Ordering. While made for new engines, it will do the same for older and worn engines.
Please note:
There are other types of valves in the engine like the one that sets oil pressure - its cleaned with this process. And the oil-pickup screen for full oil presure and oil flow. The transmission, power steering, and radiator all have sticky valves our other Mega Power Treatments for them free and clean - Click their pages for details. Their service of the component exceeds car maker specs.
ALL The Real Problem Mega Power Solves: All engines become dirty. When you change oil the sticky residues remain gumming up your valve stems. While where the fuel goes to burn, carbon residues forms and adds to the head side of the sticky valve problem to start trouble making.
Sticky valves: All engine have sticky valves - they are the engine main negatives for trouble. Valves are "engine doors" I call them.
When to clean sticky valves. Not even mechanics are trained to know how to clean sticky valves except by machining. Some race car mechanics and tune expert use Mega Power to clean the vales to restore their peak snappy horsepower making ability. I'm one of them!
What valves do: are devices shown in the picture as upside down "T " - 8 to 24 in most engines, that let fuel into the piston combustion area, and spent exhaust out. other types of valves set oil pressure, power steering pressure, and temperature cooling - make gear shifting automatic - and feed fuel in a fog form for combustion.
Cleaning Valves: The Mega Power Valve Treatment provides the mechanic, equipment owner and individual who maintains their own vehicles a way to tune the engine and clean every part including all valves and hydraulic valve lifters every two years.
I like the Mega Power way, because they add the other conditioning engines need while cleaning valve some products omit forma lower price feature.
Why Mega Power features: Mega Power feature also remove friction. A horsepower increasing feature. And, add conditioners to smooth and fill worn spaces and keep valves clean and snappy operation. Together, the only way to remove negatives, ans keep your engine running smooth, strong, and quiet operating.
Bumper to bumper cleaning for a trouble free operation. And why not do all the vehicles servicing the same way? Mega Power makes it easy to do those complex services - easy. I'll show you how on other pages. Do the same for the transmission radiator steering and A/c system for their twice-as-long trouble avoiding operation. The snappy, racy power response that returns shows you cleaned and conditioned them -when other wise they continue to degrade into a costly repair problem.
Mega Powers way to removing carbon, sticky residues on valves.
Cleaning dirty engines by repair means dismantling the engine to do so. Removing engine "heads" allows you to get to the valves. They are removed, cleaned or replaced, and put back together to end their dirty problem. That is why it is so costly - but Mega Powers' method is better, and cheaper. And you can do it - without a mechanic skill needed. Just add items shown to the oil and fuel and drive to do so!
Mega Power cleans the valves of their slow-acting, sluggish rough idling, stalling, dreadful carbon knock, and tapping problems This can be done by anyone following the add and drive service directions. Using chemistry and driving does the job as well!
Ordering: Full details to Install Mega Power Valve Treatment yourself for sticky valve cleaning. A guaranteed way to have a great running engine soon thereafter.
Ending sticky valves problems. This problem can be responsible for engine rough idle, engine miss fire, stalling, tapping, loss of power, blowby - and lousy fuel economy. See arrows in picture representing the causes of your engine's problem.
How additives end the problem.
To get to and clean sticky valves, several types of cleaners are needed. They get to them from addition to the fuel, air and oil. As they reach the valves, heat and chemical action allows the chemicals to crawl into the resin - coating the stems of the valve. Liquefying the varnish and ending the problem over a days driving. Also included in the kit are a flush out cleaner - added just before an oil changes to removes whats was on the valve stems. MC+ lubrication enhancers - one of the ingredients coat and smooth the stems after cleaning to return the sealing factors. It prevents future resin sticking.
Not even mechanics are trained to know how to clean sticky valves except by machining. Some race car mechanics and tune expert use Mega Power to clean the vales to restore the engines peak snappy horsepower making ability. I'm one of them!
Ordering: How to Install Mega Power Valve Treatment yourself for fuel air oil side sticky valve cleaning and have a great running engine soon thereafter.
Contact Info: On a smart phone, or pc, to ask a question, order this item, call me 24/7... george at 512 665 3388
Is the Mega Power sticky valve oil additive harmful?
While some oil additives are thick and gooey, and others contain harmful solvent, Mega Power is water thin to go where thick gooey stuff can't, and never harms the oil with solvents. In fact, Mega Power includes MC+ an anti-wear friction remover and lube enhancer - that are all oil thin or thinner to get to problems areas to clean sticky valve problems. For which dirty valves need to work smoothly again. Sticky valves: What mechanic's do. Best other option is See all results for this question
What kind of service does mega power do?
Mega Power - is a professional quality engine cleaning service; done as you drive over a weeks time in the engine. During this time the fuel system, the fuel injectors, the air intake manifold, the combustion area and rings and valves are cleaned - while down below the oil passage ways, oil pump, valve stems and valve lifters are cleaned.Sticky valves: What mechanic's do. Best other option is
Why a Total Sticky Valves Engine Treatment Can Do Even More for Your Engine Protection and Care?
Introducing the mechanics secret to cleaning sticky engine valves to return a perfectly smooth and quiet, racy engine operation - without repair -- the Mega Power Sticky Valves Engine Tune up Treatment.
Mega Power returns smooth engine operation by removing dirty conditions upsetting your engine - not just its sticky valves - and that's an important feature of the product. That is because many dirty, negative conditions cause rough idle, stalling, and a hammer like tapping sticky valves can also cause ---.
Unlike other additives that give only a rinse out of the engine, Mega Power uses the engines high temperatures to remove the baked-on dirty conditions upsetting it -- including it many valves and their dirty working parts. Only this type cleaning power can return a strong, yet, amazingly quiet engine operation. And with it you get more than a rise out called a flush.
Complete Sticky Valves Cleaning...
Megs Power's 6 cleaning ingredients removes residues and carbon deposits in all areas of the engine - wherever fuel, air, combustion, exhaust and oil flow - providing a the ideal tune up it surely needs - - besides cleaning those sticky valves problem away! The Mega Power's Sticky Valves and Engine Tune up Treatment is the mechanics method to do so.
Smooth Quiet Operation Returns As Sticky Valves Are Cleaned - After You Add Mega Power To The Fuel And Oil And Start Driving:
Now, you have the mechanic secret to clean and free your sticky valves chemically. Gain a great $500 tune up doing so. A Do-it-yourself method. Includes directions and phone tech help if needed. Why keep looking when this is guaranteed!
Bonus to keep your engine trouble free:
Order this economical Mega Power Sticky Valves and Engine Tune Up Cleaner NOW!
For doing so, you also receive Our 2 Race Engine Protectors - MP Engine Treatment, and MP Oil Treatment. They stop friction in its tracts, and keep sticky carbon deposits off your valves - the only way to quickly end sticky valves problems!
A Complete Engine Sticky Valve Service Made Easy To Install. Avoids a $3000 engine valve repair. Retail Value over $300 - includes 6 items - add 3 as shown to gas tank and motor oil. Drive a week. Do an oil change to remove carbon and residues removed with the dirty oil. Add 3 remaining items to complete the valve cleaning process.
That's it to end sticky valves. tapping lifters, and even end stalling with a great $500 tune up, thrown in. What to expect?
As you drive enjoy a return to a smooth, quiet, zippy engine again. No more sticky valves! Enjoy having power that burns rubber spinning the wheels - the race car owners secret to much more engine horsepower - yet gain 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel.
For those wanting better fuel economy. To Pass smoky exhaust smog test. Like to tune up the engine themselves. Includes...
6 items for sticky valves and engine tune up Special at $99 total. Shipped to your door to end sticky valves - clean and protect the entire motor with our Get Acquainted Special. Value $300. Now $99 total. Order a set for each vehicle. Fix them! Protect them! Save money = easy do it yourself with my help method to end sticky valves problems. Click cart button to end sticky valve problems and for good tune up also!
Sticky valves and completer motor tune up Install method. Directions :
Click cart button for bonus and ship info:
The way mechanics end your engine problem is take apart your engine. Remove and hand clean its 8 to 24 internal valves. Send out for machining your engine head. He takes the top of the motor apart where the valve are located and ignores the rest of the dirt engine.
The "engine head" is where your engines 8 to 24 sticky valves and their lifters work under severely hot and dirty conditions, and are are the first engine parts to fail. See picture.
What valves do...
Valves open and close a thousand times a minute to let fuel in, allow combustion to occur, and exhaust the bunt fuel out the exhaust pipe by the exhaust valve. Days are spent removing removing residues causing the problem. Cost $2,500 to $4.500.
Using additives to clean sticky valves:
There are 2 steps using additives I discovered to clean sticky valves. But, ...
Not every additive will do so. Here's what you should know... to look for in an additives and avoid. If solvents are included in the product - avoid it! That's because solvents cause more engine problems - Read what brands are harmful in this article.
What I discovered as the best valve cleaner.
While there are many brands of additives sold to clean engine valves and restore smooth engine operation. But they don't! I'll walk you thru them and the ones I promise you need to do the job well.
Only 2 companies sell products that actually clean sticky, sticky valves.
They are:
If the mechanic installs the JB, or my Mega Power additive in the shop - their cost run to $400.... avoiding a $4000 repair. Takes a service appointment. But cheaper and just as effective doing my two steps.
What Chemical do to clean sticky valves as you drive.
If you do so - its easy to do so --- the results are just as good! You then, chemically remove carbon and sticky residues of your engines 8 to 24 sticky fuel intake, and combustion exhaust valve parts are - causing the problem.
Men and women vehicle owners find no threat in doing so - even though they may known nothings of the complex action inside the engine going on.
Ordering and install details are given below.
What you experience afterwards.
You let engine forces do the cleaning. A drive after the install will impress you with a new-like powerful smoothness. The trouble just has gone away - you will notice. Your do-it-yourself self-esteem will soar! Doing so will save yourself a bundle of cash.
Dirty valves are a key tapping noise problem as engines age this service will also end for good!
You would expect most mechanics to know every trick to clean those troublesome parts economically -like this - but its not in their jeans.
Auto engine repair trade schools only teach you one method - replace old parts with new! And downgrade ADDITIVES.
This means more engine parts are sold. The trade schools are sponsored by parts makers.
So MECHANICS get paid to remove the troublesome top engine head containing the many valves for inspection, cleaning, machining. Then their reassembly.
Cost run over $2000. Diesels to $4000. The shop is happy with that. The parts makers are happy with that! The car truck owner is destitute after that! Other solutions...
6 Mega Power additives found to free sticky valves as good as repair - but cheaper and faster.
Order from cart button.
They are added to the fuel and motor oil - 3 at a time - a week apart. Driving then quiets their operation. Order here to try our free 20 day trial. Please note: call anytime in 30 days and say they did not work to not pay a dime for trying it.
Sticky Valve and valve lifter cleaners from Mega Power.
Its cheaper if you do it yourself, following my steps - also detailed in the directions and free phone help, by online ordered below.
That's because 6 additives clean up the 6 dirty contributors to making sticky valves. Listed to clean the following: Labor prices:
This do-it-yourself kit avoids the labor and repair cost of $2000. Directions included walk you thru 2 simple add to gas and oil steps to clean sticky valves.
Order online the Mega Power Engine Valve Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. With Easy to follow directions, guarantee, free phone help if needed - a $75 extra value included free anytime.
Plus our BONUS $19 Radiator Protector Item for FREE!Total of 7 items delivered by FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Just $85 plus $15 s&h plus $7 servicing total. Just $107. Save $19. Click cart button to start ending your sticky valves yourself.
Cleaning of those engine sections that cause sticky valves takes 6 additives.
That's because 6 additives clean up the 6 dirty contributors to making sticky valves. Listed to clean the following:
Mega Power's Valve Treatment include those six additives. It is the best and most reasonable priced package available to end your sticky valves problem - and anyone, not just mechanics can easily end this problem by installing them - shown below.
The Mega Power Brand additives shown here, correct the entire engine problem - including the sticky valve problem!
Is Do-it-your-self sticky valves cleaning in your future?
Some shops sell Mega Power. Their labor is $100 to $250 plus the additive package cost for the service. Car Dealers use other methods - not all 6, and charge more. However,
Its cheaper if you do it yourself, following my steps - also detailed in the directions and free phone help, if ordered below.
Order online the Mega Power Engine Valve Treatment. Includes 6 items shown. With Easy to follow directions, guarantee, free phone help if needed - a $75 extra value included free anytime. Plus our BONUS $19 Radiator Protector Item for FREE!
Total of 7 items delivered by FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Just $85 plus $15 s&h plus $7 servicing total. Just $107. Save $19. Click cart button to start ending your sticky valves yourself.